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Reverse traffic: Intersecting inequalities in human egg donation

Nahman, Michal


Profile image of Michal Nahman

Dr Michal Nahman
Associate Professor in Social Anthropology


The paper examines a case of cross-border reproductive care that happens in reverse by looking at Israeli-Romanian transnational ova traffic. The state of Israel claims to have the most IVF clinics per capita in the world, some of the highest success rates in the use of assisted reproductive technology, very liberal regulation of these technologies and the most heavily subsidized IVF in the world. This support and the government's demographic policies are designed to encourage the growth of the Jewish population in its demographic race against Palestinians. Yet transnational egg donation is very costly and reimbursement to patients a slow and involved process. Hence, while transnational ova donation is increasing in Israel, only a few can afford to participate in this border crossing. Further, new laws are meant to forbid cross-religious donation in Israel, hardening the borders of the Jewish State. Romanian ova donors are part of the global majority, exploited by markets' incursions into new niches in bodies. The history of Romanian oppression of women's reproduction makes today's women willing to undergo invasive treatment for very little compensation, even when there is the possibility of injury. This paper documents reverse traffic reproduction, which maintains, rather than addresses, inequalities. © 2011, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date Nov 1, 2011
Journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online
Print ISSN 1472-6483
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 5
Pages 626-633
Keywords egg donation, global inequality, Israel, oocyte, Romania
Public URL
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