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Unacknowledged and unwanted? Environmental refugees in search of legal status

Hing, Nina; Razzaque, Jona; H�ing, Nina


Nina Hing

Nina H�ing


Environmental displacement is a global phenomenon affecting millions of people. Due to climate change and the corresponding sea-level rise, it is estimated that about eight million of indigenous people of Pacific Islands will be forced to settle elsewhere by 2050. This is one of many examples confirming the need to ascertain the legal status of environmental refugee in international law. The term environmental refugee is controversially discussed and internationally not recognised. First, this article discusses the reasons for reluctance of international organisations to accept this term. Second, noting the cold reception of this term at the regional and state levels, a discussion on whether fears associated with this term are based on solid arguments becomes pertinent. Third, this article outlines the possibility of granting refugee status under international law, especially under human rights and environmental law. Fourth, academic discourses will be examined as they play a crucial role in the conceptual development of environmental refugee and, to some academics, the existing refugee definition already encompasses environmental refugees. Taking into account the developments of the environmental and human rights regime, this article concludes that time is ripe for international law to provide refugee status to environmentally displaced people. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Apr 1, 2012
Journal Journal of Global Ethics
Print ISSN 1744-9626
Electronic ISSN 1744-9634
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 1
Pages 19-40
Keywords environmental refugee, displacement, environmental law,
human rights, international organisations
Public URL
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