Dr Charlotte Crofts Charlotte.Crofts@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Film and Journalism
**this poster won the poster prize at MeCCS@ 2012**
Original MeCCSA Abstract for a Poster and Demo:
I would like to present a poster and a demo of my Curzon Memories App, a practice-research project that uses mobile technologies and locative media to explore memories and the history of the Curzon Community Cinema in Clevedon.
The original cinema, The Picture House, was built in 1912, expanding to the current building in 1921/2, so the launch of the App at MeCCSA 2012 will coincide with the centenary year.
The Curzon Memories App takes you on a tour of both the outside and the interior of the cinema, using GPS, QR Codes and Arduino circuitry to trigger content in relation to specific areas of the building.
The poster will briefly outline the project, using images and graphics from the App to illustrate the user interface, introduce key mobile technologies and reflect on the main learning outcomes of this practice research project in terms of the affordances and limitations of locative media in a screen heritage context.
The demo will involve printing QR codes on the poster that people can scan with their smart phone to download the application for iPhone or Android platforms. There will also be a series of QR Codes to scan from within the App, which would ordinarily be situated within the cinema (e.g. Back Row, Kiosk, Aisle), so people can get a taste of some of the content and the user interface.
Technical Requirements : The hope is to provide an iPad with which people can try the App if they don’t have a smart phone – it would therefore be useful to have a secure room in which to do the demo and some sort of table or surface on which to situate the iPad adjacent to the poster. I would also like to bring the Projection Hero Installation which could sit on the same table – it’s a miniature cinema, about as big as a small rabbit hutch. A room with a strong 3G signal and/or access to WiFi would also be good.
For more information please see my research blog:
Presentation Conference Type | Poster |
Conference Name | MeCCSA Annual Conference 2012 |
Start Date | Jan 11, 2012 |
End Date | Jan 13, 2012 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 8, 2019 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | MeCCSA, Curzon memories app, projection hero, poster prize, screen heritage, cinema history, new media, convergence, locative media, pervasive media, location-based media, experieince design, interface theory, apparatus theory, film studies |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/950454 |
Related Public URLs | http://www.meccsa.org.uk/news/three-d-issue-18-meccsa-2012-bedfordshire-experience/ |
Additional Information | Additional Information : The poster was displayed along side a video documenting the project, an iPad and iPhone demo of the app and the Projection Hero installation. The poster won the Conference Poster Prize. http://www.meccsa.org.uk/news/three-d-issue-18-meccsa-2012-bedfordshire-experience/ Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Media communications and cultural studies association annual conference |
Curzon Poster 5.pdf
(1.9 Mb)
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