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Building a client state: American arms policies towards Iran, 1950-1963

McGlinchey, Stephen

Building a client state: American arms policies towards Iran, 1950-1963 Thumbnail


Stephen McGlinchey
Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations


Precious little has been written in academic scholarship about the US arms relationship with Iran. Much of the scholarly focus has been drained into an orbital vortex caused by twin crises in Iranian history: the 1953 British and American sponsored coup and the preced- ing oil blockade, and the 1979 Islamic revolution that swept the Shah from power. Hence, the years in-between 1953 and 1979 are often treated only in passing. A major feature of this period was an ever escalating arms relationship between Iran and the US which progressively grew both qualitatively and quantitatively throughout the Cold War from a relatively minor aid relationship into a major arms credit partner- ship; within which Iran became the US’s largest arms export customer by 1971. This article focuses on the very early years of the relationship between 1950 and 1963 within which successive US Presidents viewed Iran as a relatively weak chess piece in a sensitive region, with military aid being one of the major levers with which to secure the stabilisation and pro-American disposition of Iran in the emerging Cold War context.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Feb 1, 2012
Publicly Available Date Jun 8, 2019
Journal The Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
Print ISSN 1802-548x
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 2
Keywords american arms policies, Iran
Public URL
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