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Building information modelling (BIM) readiness of construction professionals: the context of the Seychelles construction industry

Adam, Vincent; Manu, Patrick; Mahamadu, Abdul Majeed; Dziekonski, Krzysztof; Kissi, Ernest; Emuze, Fidelis; Lee, Simon


Vincent Adam

Patrick Manu
Professor of Innovative Construction and Project Management

Abdul Mahamadu
Associate Lecturer - CATE - AAE - UAAE0001

Ernest Kissi

Fidelis Emuze

Simon Lee
Senior Lecturer in Project Management


Purpose: Although building information modelling (BIM) adoption in developed countries has largely been incentivised by government, in developing countries, adoption is often driven by desires of industry professionals, which is dependent on awareness of BIM and availability of skills among the professionals. Thus, BIM awareness and competence among professionals have become useful baseline measures of BIM readiness. To ascertain BIM readiness within the Seychelles construction industry, this study aims to investigate the level of BIM awareness and level of BIM competence among construction professionals. Design/methodology/approach: The study involved a questionnaire survey of construction professionals (n = 96) and data analysis using both descriptive statistics and association analysis. Findings: The results indicate a moderate level of BIM awareness, but a low level of engagement in BIM education/training. Also, the professionals have very low BIM technical skills, notably the ability to use BIM-related tools and to perform BIM-related task. Furthermore, this study suggests that the experience of working on collaborative projects could be a useful premise for BIM implementation among construction professionals. Originality/value: The implication is that construction professionals in the Seychelles need to start readying themselves for greater BIM adoption by taking steps to address the BIM technical skills deficiencies and the low engagement in BIM education/training.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 26, 2021
Online Publication Date Feb 26, 2021
Publication Date Apr 12, 2022
Deposit Date Jun 14, 2022
Journal Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
Print ISSN 1726-0531
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 20
Issue 3
Pages 823-840
Keywords construction management; Seychelles; developing countries; competence; BIM; Building information modelling; association analysis; built environment research
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