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The world after men: The rise of matriarchy

Derham, Katie; Hancock, Matthew; Gilligan, Carol; Mackay, Finn


Katie Derham

Matthew Hancock

Carol Gilligan

Profile image of Finn Mackay

Finn Mackay
Senior Lecturer in Sociology


Carol Gilligan, Matthew Hancock, Finn Mackay. Katie Derham hosts.

Feminism has been focused on equal status for women. But does this limit the horizon? With girls outperforming boys in education and with little social requirement for physical strength, is there a case for a matriarchal culture? Or would this be regressive for society and for feminism itself?

Digital Artefact Type Video
Publication Date May 1, 2013
Keywords patriarchy, matriarchy, feminism, feminist theory, masculinities, queer theory, gender
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