Harold O Kpojime
ITU-R and WINNER II path loss modeling of femtocells
Kpojime, Harold O; Safdar, Ghazanfar A; Aydin, Mehmet Emin
Ghazanfar A Safdar
Dr Mehmet Aydin Mehmet.Aydin@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Networks and Mobile Computing
As cellular network users continue to grow; there is a need for in-creased user capacity, higher throughput and improved system performance. An important issue affecting cellular networks is to make services available to re-gions of bad or no reception. Various standards and techniques such as, anten-nas, relays and hotspots are used in achieving this and one of the most reliable is a technique that involves bringing the transmitter and receiver closer to each other. This enhances the performance of the receiver by ensuring a high quality link. In this context, Femtocells are another promising technology to improve indoor coverage; these are short range low-powered base stations and usually installed by home users. However, the statistical analysis retrieved by deploying femtocells on a large scale does not reflect the behavior of a single femtocell. Moreover, the interference mitigation techniques employed take into considera-tion densely deployed FAPs which is not applicable in a scenario where there are only a handful of femtocells. This paper examines the influence of LTE-femtocells on a small scale in an indoor to indoor environment by comparing two well known path loss models ITU-R and WINNER II. To achieve this, a site specific scenario is modeled to investigate pathloss, received power, and SINR to show the behavior of a single femtocell as it experiences the abrupt fluctua-tions under the influence of co-tier interference.
Presentation Conference Type | Presentation / Talk |
Conference Name | HET-NETs 2013, The 7th International Working Conference |
Start Date | Nov 11, 2013 |
End Date | Nov 13, 2013 |
Publication Date | Nov 1, 2013 |
Deposit Date | Jun 11, 2015 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | femtocells, path loss |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/926289 |
Publisher URL | http://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=234 |
Additional Information | Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : HET-NETs 2013, The 7th International Working Conference |
Contract Date | Feb 9, 2016 |
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