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Internet shopping and internet banking in sequence: An explanatory case study

Patsiotis, Athanasios G.; Webber, Don J.; Hughes, Tim


Athanasios G. Patsiotis

Don J. Webber

Tim Hughes
Professor in Applied Marketing


Adoption of Internet banking often follows on from usage of Internet shopping, but policies to increase Internet banking use typically ignore this ordering. This article presents a case study that underscores this sequence of Internet service adoption and identifies factors that shape the propensity to use the Internet for shopping and banking. Application of bivariate probit regression techniques to data sourced from a survey of 259 respondents in Athens, Greece, and estimation of marginal effects of the determinants of Internet banking use conditioned on the determinants of Internet shopping use illustrate that ignoring the sequence of Internet service use can lead to incorrect policy recommendations. This article contributes to the literature by theorising the underlying causal mechanisms of Internet banking adoption and presenting supporting evidence via a sequential modelling approach. We find that personal capacity is an important determinant of Internet banking use in a standard, non-sequential approach but it has no significant effect when the model is sequential. Our results suggest that policymakers should emphasise usefulness attributes of Internet banking when attempting to increase Internet banking usage by people who already use the Internet for shopping. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 2, 2013
Journal Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Print ISSN 1363-0539
Electronic ISSN 1479-1846
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 18
Issue 4
Pages 285-300
Keywords internet banking, internet shopping, adoption rate, bivariate probit regression, conditional marginal effects
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