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Whole life costing and multiple benefits of sustainable drainage

Lamond, Jessica


Jessica Lamond
College Dean for Research & Enterprise


S.M. Charlesworth


This chapter explored relevant literature and touched on a variety of tools that can contribute to the estimation of the costs of implementing and maintaining SuDS, and the evaluation of flood damage reduction, stormwater management and other benefits associated with these approaches.

It is apparent from this review that the analysis of costs and multiple benefits of SuDS is complicated by the multiplicity of SuDS options, the variety of design choices, the heterogeneity of the urban setting within which they are proposed to be installed and the fact that those schemes and beneficiaries are not necessarily co‐located.

Owing to this complexity, in practical terms, it will be important for decision‐makers to select evaluation methods that are appropriate and proportionate. This may sometimes be limited to cost‐effectiveness calculations when runoff reduction is a major goal or legislative requirement for the SuDS, specifying the lowest cost option to achieve the required stormwater performance. However, in other instances, such as retrofit SuDS during renewal or regeneration, a greater focus on other positive features of SuDS is necessary.

Publication Date Nov 30, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 235-243
Book Title Sustainable Surface Water Management
ISBN 9781118897706
Keywords SuDs, multiple benefits, whole life costing
Public URL
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