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Using interactive evolution to design behaviors for non-deterministic self-organized construction

Heinrich, Mary Katherine; Zahadat, Payam; Harding, John; Brandt, Mads Nikolaj


Mary Katherine Heinrich

Payam Zahadat

John Harding
External Adviser / Panel Member - SAS

Mads Nikolaj Brandt


Self-organizing construction is an emerging subdomain for on-site construction robots. This not only presents new challenges for robotics, but due to the stochasticity involved in such systems, impacts the modeling and prediction of resulting built structures. Self-organizing models have been explored by architects for generative design and for optimization, but so far have infrequently been studied in the context of construction. Here we present a strategy for architects to design with non-deterministic self-organizing behaviors, using interactive evolution to incorporate user judgment. We introduce our "Integrated Growth Projection'' method, having implemented it into a software pipeline for early phase design. We test the software with an initial user group of architects, to see whether the method and pipeline helps them design a non-deterministic self-organizing behavior. The user group creates several hybrid controllers that reliably solve their chosen design tasks.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) 2018
Start Date Jun 4, 2018
End Date Jun 6, 2018
Acceptance Date Feb 23, 2018
Publication Date Jun 4, 2018
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 213-220
Keywords swarm construction, self-organization, artificial growth, artificial selection, interactive evolution
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) 2018, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands