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Cross-cultural communication and negotiation – a key to successful expatriate managers’ assignments: A comparative study on Australians in China and French in Brazil

Chung, Mona; Celadon, Kleber


Mona Chung

Kleber Celadon


Mohammad Auyb Khan

Noam Ebner


This study builds on cross-cultural communication focusing on expatriates in binational settings. There has been an increase in the number of oversea assignments that have to be taken by expatriates, and this presents new challenges in communication and negotiation, especially when more than one culture is involved. The design of the study is based on two cases, Australian expatriates in China, and French expatriates in Brazil. Results show more dissimilarities in Australian-Chinese relationship, and less similarities between French and Brazilians, suggesting that communication and negotiation could have determined the level of success of each case.

Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 1
Book Title The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation
ISBN 9783030002763
Keywords cross-cultural, communication, negotiation, expatriates
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