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An ontology-based guidance for privacy enforcement in a multi-authority cloud environment

Rahmouni Boussi, Hanene


Hanene Rahmouni
Associate Lecturer - CATE - CCT - UCCT0001


Despite its attractive benefits, cloud adoption is challenged by some criteria of security and privacy. Access Control is one of the traditional and essential security tools of data protection. The decision to grant access to a resource must
ensure secure management with a specific attention to privacy
and data protection regulations. In particular, the challenge is more important with public clouds as many governing
authorities could be involved in one cloud scenario. This implies a difficulty to work out which regulation should be applicable in case of conflict. In recent years, many access control models were proposed. Despite increasing legislative pressure, few of these propositions take care of privacy requirements in their security policies specification and enforcement. In this paper, we propose to enforce privacy compliance in access control policies for the context of public cloud. Throughout the use of ontology tools, we propose an approach for checking privacy enforcement with access control conditions. We also suggest the use of privacy safeguards notification where the threat to privacy protection is
related to the secondary usage of personal data more than just
the data access itself.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 2015 International Conference on Cloud Technologies and Applications (CloudTech)
Acceptance Date Apr 3, 2015
Deposit Date Jan 14, 2019
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
ISBN 9781467381499
Keywords law enforcement, semantic web, ontology, data
management, access control, privacy, security policies, public
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : 2015 International Conference on Cloud Technologies and Applications (CloudTech)
Contract Date Jan 14, 2019