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Supporting climate change adaptation actions for the conservation of the threatened Cowichan Lake Lamprey through low cost monitoring of critical habitat

Wade, Joy; Dealy, Lindsay; Stephen, Craig; Lewis, Todd; Grant, Paul


Joy Wade

Lindsay Dealy

Craig Stephen

Todd Lewis
Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Environmental Technology

Paul Grant


Cowichan Lake Lamprey (Vancouver Lamprey) is a threatened species, endemic to three interconnected lakes on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Cowichan Lake, one of the lakes in which this species resides, is a water reservoir managed to meet the downstream conservation and anthropogenic needs of the watershed. Although Cowichan Lake Lamprey and its critical habitat are protected under the Species At Risk Act, the water and habitat needs for this species have not been considered in water management plans. With increased demands for water supply coupled with changes in precipitation and recharge due to climate change, options are needed to help manage the water resource better to conserve both lake and river ecosystems and aquatic species which depend on them for survival. Therefore, aerial surveys were trialed as a non-invasive method to quantify the relationship between the availability of spawning and early rearing habitat, and lake water levels, which depend on meteorological variables and anthropogenic control. Based on this preliminary study, spawning and early rearing habitat availability for Cowichan Lake Lamprey can be maintained above 50% if the weir that regulates release of water from the lake maintains water levels above the 1 m mark at the weir.

Report Type Research Report
Publication Date Oct 15, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 22, 2021
Publicly Available Date Nov 16, 2021
Series Title Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Series Number 3227
Series ISSN 1488-5387
Public URL
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Additional Information Correct citation for this publication:

Wade, J., Dealy, L., Stephen, C, Lewis, T., and Grant, P. 2021. Supporting climate change adaptation actions for the conservation of the threatened Cowichan Lake Lamprey through low cost monitoring of critical habitat. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3227: vi + 17 p.

ISBN: 9780660405032


Supporting climate change adaptation actions for the conservation of the threatened Cowichan Lake Lamprey through low cost monitoring of critical habitat (1.6 Mb)


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This is a copy of 'Supporting climate change adaptation actions for the conservation of the threatened Cowichan Lake lamprey through low cost monitoring of critical habitat' by Joy Wade, Lindsay Dealy, Craig Stephen, Todd Lewis and Paul Grant,
which has been published in final form here:

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