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Schelling on the nature of freedom and the freedom of nature: The role of the naturphilosophie in the freiheitsschrift

Alderwick, Charlotte

Schelling on the nature of freedom and the freedom of nature: The role of the naturphilosophie in the freiheitsschrift Thumbnail



This chapter focuses on Schelling’s philosophy of nature and shows that it contains an original theory of freedom. I argue that human freedom is a potentiated form of a kind of freedom that can already be found in organic life: my claim is that human freedom and other forms of productivity within nature are instances of the same process. I argue that we should see the relationship between different forms of natural productivity and human freedom in the same way that the Schelling of the Naturphilosophie argues that we should see the relationship between mechanical, chemical, and organic phenomena. To say that there is no difference between these phenomena would be absurd; the claim is rather that they are all different manifestations of the same process (the process which drives nature as a whole), and therefore that their difference is one of degree rather than kind. I further demonstrate that Schelling’s Freedom essay builds upon this notion of freedom introduced in the philosophy of nature and offers a solution to the problem of the human ownership of freedom.

Online Publication Date Nov 10, 2022
Publication Date Nov 10, 2023
Deposit Date Jan 20, 2022
Publicly Available Date Nov 11, 2024
Publisher Springer
Pages 159-176
Book Title Life, Organisms, and Human Nature New Perspectives on Classical German Philosophy
ISBN 9783031415579
Public URL
Contract Date Oct 1, 2021


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