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Dismantling resource sovereignty in the context of the right to a healthy environment

Razzaque, Jona



Quite how sovereignty is interpreted in the international environmental law remains less than straightforward and how sovereignty interacts with the right-based approach to promote sustainable development remains surprisingly under-explored. At the national level, some regulations are the direct result of the obligations created under multilateral environmental agreements. A number of external factors have an impact on the national environmental law-making processes in Asia. These factors include the influence of international agreements, export market requirements in trade, and requirements of multilateral lending agencies. The non-absolute form of sovereignty suggests that states, by entering into international agreements and agreeing to abide by the rules of international institutions, have imposed restrictions on their resource sovereignty and led to a North-South divide. This paper will, first analyse these external factors, and secondly, assess the level of influence external bodies have on the national and local environmental policy-making. Thirdly, the paper explores the impact of resource sovereignty on the right to a healthy environment. The discussion here focuses on the North-South dynamics, and the power allocation within and outside the state.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name CPG's 7th Annual Conference: “The Great Game Reloaded: Order and Disorder in Geopolitics and Global Governance"
Start Date Oct 12, 2016
End Date Oct 14, 2016
Deposit Date May 17, 2021
Public URL