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moosikMasheens: Music, motion and narrative with young people who have complex needs

Meckin, David; Bryan-Kinns, Nick


David Meckin
Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Web Programming

Nick Bryan-Kinns


We present moosikMasheens, a novel system for musical expression by young people who have physical impairments or complex needs, playing music in a mixed ability group context. moosikMasheens consists of three electro-mechanical musical instruments that can be controlled via simple tablet computer-based interfaces. An adapted glockenspiel, guitar and a set of electro-mechanical drumsticks have the potential to provide feedback through many perceptual channels including sonic, visual, vibro-tactile and kinsaethetic. Through the use of both a priori theory and an extended participatory requirements analysis, the system has been designed for use by both teachers/workshop leaders and students, as this has previously been found to be the most common form of group musical interaction. The technical implementation of the system is outlined with an initial evaluation.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
Start Date Jun 14, 2013
Publication Date Jun 14, 2013
Deposit Date Apr 8, 2021
Pages 66-73
ISBN 9781450319188
Public URL

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