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Behaviour and design of stainless steel tubular beam-columns members in fire

Mohammed, Asif; Afshan, Sheida


Asif Mohammed

Sheida Afshan


Cold-formed stainless-steel tubular sections are commonly used in building design as they combine the high strength and stiffness-to weight ratios offered by closed cross-sections with the corrosion resistance and durability offered by stainless steel. Although fire design rules for stainless steel hollow structural elements are provided in existing design codes, they are mainly based on those developed for carbon steel structures, and therefore require further assessment for their application to stainless steels. In this paper, a comprehensive numerical modelling study of stainless-steel beam column members subjected to compressive axial load and uniform bending moment at elevated temperatures has been carried out. Through a rigorous validation process, the accuracy of the numerical models was first established, following which extensive parametric study was carried out to generate the structural performance data required for assessment and development of design guidance rules. Improvements to the current Eurocode 3 design approach for stainless steel beam-columns were made through two key areas: (1) proposing a new flexural buckling formulation to obtain accurate predictions of the pure compression end point Nb,Rd at elevated temperature and (2) development of new combined loading interaction factor k for the combined axial load and bending moment interaction equations. The accuracy of the proposals for predicting the load-carrying capacity of stainless steel SHS/RHS beam-columns in fire was assessed through numerical comparisons as well as reliability assessments.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 3rd International Conference on Structural Safety Under Fire & Blast
Start Date Sep 2, 2019
End Date Sep 4, 2019
Acceptance Date Feb 1, 2019
Publication Date Sep 30, 2019
Deposit Date Jan 25, 2021
Book Title Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Structural Safety Under Fire & Blast
ISBN 978999614485
Public URL