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Engaging young people as active citizens and citizen scientists

Fogg Rogers, Laura; Laggan, Sophie; Csobod, Eva; Sardo, Margarida; Szuppinger, Peter; Rodrigues, Vera; Hayes, Enda

Engaging young people as active citizens and citizen scientists Thumbnail


Profile image of Laura Fogg Rogers

Dr Laura Fogg Rogers
Associate Professor of Knowledge Exchange in Engineering

Sophie Laggan

Eva Csobod

Peter Szuppinger

Vera Rodrigues

Profile image of Enda Hayes

Enda Hayes
Prof in Air Quality & Carbon Management/School Director (Research & Enterprise)


The climate emergency and air pollution sit alongside the biodiversity and ecological crises as the most pressing issues of this generation. Inextricably linked to these environmental problems is social justice; poorer and vulnerable people, and those from Black or Ethnic Minorities are already disproportionately affected, while young people will bear the brunt of future climate and biodiversity impacts.
Given the urgency needed to address these issues, we have to find new and replicable ways of engaging diverse citizens and activating young people in democratic processes. Working together across cities and regions, we can ensure decision-making processes are inclusive of both people and planet.
In this interactive webinar, we will learn from two European Horizon 2020 projects that put citizens at the heart of decision making. Learn about their processes, the challenges and opportunities of working with diverse audiences, from community groups to schools, residents and policy makers, and the takeaway messages for the biodiversity community.
ClairCity was a 4-year research project that worked with citizens to refine a model for citizen-inclusive decision making on clean air and climate change. The largest EU project of its kind, 8302 citizens, from six cities and regions, participated directly in local policy making. The project produced an Educator pack of materials to engage young people which will be shared here.
WeCount is a 2-year citizen science project, seeking to empower residents in five European cities to influence decision making. Young people in local communities will be empowered by putting the science in their hands; they will collect data on local traffic, and work together with scientists to analyse results to generate more liveable communities.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name EU Green Week
Start Date Oct 21, 2020
Deposit Date Nov 4, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 5, 2020
Public URL


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