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Towards immunizing MANET's source routing protocols against packet droppers

Djenouri, Djamel; Bouamama, Mohamed; Mahmoudi, Othmane


Mohamed Bouamama

Othmane Mahmoudi


This paper deals with security of routing protocols of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), and proposes a solution to immunize such protocols against packet dropping misbehavior. Most of the current secure protocols are vulnerable to packet dropping misbehavior, which can be exploited by selfish nodes and malicious ones as well. For example, simply by dropping RREQ (Route Request) packets a selfish node can exclude itself from routes and thereby avoid receiving data packets to forward. On the other hand, a malicious node can drop RERR (Route Error) packets to keep the use of failed routes, possibly resulting in a denial of service. To mitigate this vulnerability we propose a hybrid solution that secures routing protocols against the dropping of both directed and broadcast control packets, in which a different approach is adapted for each kind of packets. Dealing with control packets represents the main contribution in this manuscript, as all the current proposals in the context of selfish nodes only consider data packets. Our solution can be integrated with any source routing protocol. In this work it was implemented with one of the most secure protocols, namely ENDAIR. The resulting new extended secure protocol was assessed and analyzed through an extensive simulation study.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 3, 2009
Online Publication Date Mar 4, 2009
Publication Date Nov 11, 2009
Deposit Date Feb 27, 2020
Journal Journal of Interconnection Networks
Print ISSN 0219-2659
Electronic ISSN 1793-6713
Publisher World Scientific Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 1-2
Pages 59-91
Keywords Mobile ad hoc network; security; routing
Public URL