Si�n E. Rees
Emerging themes to support ambitious UK marine biodiversity conservation
Rees, Si�n E.; Sheehan, Emma V.; Stewart, Bryce D.; Clark, Robert; Appleby, Thomas; Attrill, Martin J.; Jones, Peter J.S.; Johnson, David; Bradshaw, Natasha; Pittman, Simon; Oates, Jenny; Solandt, Jean-Luc
Emma V. Sheehan
Bryce D. Stewart
Robert Clark
Dr Tom Appleby
Associate Professor in Property
Martin J. Attrill
Peter J.S. Jones
David Johnson
Natasha Bradshaw
Simon Pittman
Jenny Oates
Jean-Luc Solandt
Healthy marine ecosystems provide a wide range of resources and services that support life on Earth and contribute to human wellbeing. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are accepted as an important tool for the restoration and maintenance of marine ecosystem structure, function, health and ecosystem integrity through the conservation of significant species, habitats, or entire ecosystems. In recent years there has been a rapid expansion in the area of ocean designated as an MPA. Despite this progress in spatial protection targets and the progressive knowledge of the essential interdependence between the human and the ocean system, marine biodiversity continues to decline, placing in jeopardy the range of ecosystem services benefits humans rely on. There is a need to address this shortcoming. Ambitious marine conservation:
• Requires a shift from managing individual marine features within MPAs to whole-sites to enable repair and renewal of marine systems;
• Reflects an ambition for sustainable livelihoods by fully integrating fisheries management with conservation (Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management) as the two are critically interdependent;
• Establishes a world class and cost effective ecological and socio-economic monitoring and evaluation framework that includes the use of controls and sentinel sites to improve sustainability in marine management; and
• Challenges policy makers and practitioners to be progressive by integrating MPAs into the wider seascape as critical functional components rather than a competing interest and move beyond MPAs as the only tool to underpin the benefits derived from marine ecosystems by identifying other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) to establish synergies with wider governance frameworks.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Feb 4, 2020 |
Online Publication Date | Feb 10, 2020 |
Publication Date | Jul 1, 2020 |
Deposit Date | Feb 12, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Aug 12, 2020 |
Journal | Marine Policy |
Print ISSN | 0308-597X |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 117 |
Article Number | 103864 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Economics and Econometrics; Aquatic Science; Law; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; General Environmental Science |
Public URL | |
Emerging themes to support ambitious UK marine biodiversity conservation
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