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Les sciences cognitives: Un cadre pour unifier aujourd’hui la théorie et la pratique en psychothérapie?

Ward, Tony

Les sciences cognitives: Un cadre pour unifier aujourd’hui la théorie et la pratique en psychothérapie? Thumbnail


Tony Ward
Associate Professor in Counselling & Psychotherapy


This article discusses the proposition that cognitive science has now developed to the point where it can serve as an overarching meta-theory for field of psychotherapy. It will begin with an overview of the main strands of thinking which have emerged in the development of psychotherapy over the last 100 years. The ever increasing number of perspectives and views around practice make the field increasing differentiated and fragmented. However, cognitive science has now reached a point where it can explain and capture the key psychotherapeutic principles. A number of authors have presented detailed overviews along these lines, some coming from a psychodynamic perspective and some from a more generic psychotherapy perspective. The article goes on to describe some of the key strands of cognitive science, and how these relate to notions of conscious and unconscious processes. It then shows how these can be applied to everyday practice. Finally it is argued that cognitive science as a meta-theory for psychotherapy has the potential to bring benefits to the field in terms of future research on common client issues as the practice of therapy.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 14, 2019
Online Publication Date Dec 1, 2019
Publication Date Dec 1, 2019
Deposit Date Nov 14, 2019
Publicly Available Date Dec 2, 2020
Journal Psychiatrie, Science humaines, Neurosciences
Print ISSN 1639-8319
Electronic ISSN 1955-2351
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 3
Pages 7-22
Series ISSN 1639-8319
Keywords Cognitive science, psychotherapy, theoretical integration.
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