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Bridging the gap between energy and the environment

Holland, Robert A.; Scott, Kate; Hinton, Emma D.; Austen, Melanie C.; Barrett, John; Beaumont, Nicola; Blaber-Wegg, Tina; Brown, Gareth; Carter-Silk, Eleanor; Cazenave, Pierre; Eigenbrod, Felix; Hiscock, Kevin; Hooper, Tara; Lovett, Andrew; Papathanasopoulou, Eleni; Smith, Pete; Thomas, Amy; Tickner, Rob; Torres, Ricardo; Taylor, Gail

Bridging the gap between energy and the environment Thumbnail


Robert A. Holland

Kate Scott

Emma D. Hinton

Melanie C. Austen

John Barrett

Nicola Beaumont

Tina Blaber-Wegg

Gareth Brown

Eleanor Carter-Silk

Pierre Cazenave

Felix Eigenbrod

Kevin Hiscock

Tara Hooper

Andrew Lovett

Eleni Papathanasopoulou

Pete Smith

Amy Thomas

Rob Tickner

Ricardo Torres

Gail Taylor


© 2016 The Authors. Meeting the world's energy demand is a major challenge for society over the coming century. To identify the most sustainable energy pathways to meet this demand, analysis of energy systems on which policy is based must move beyond the current primary focus on carbon to include a broad range of ecosystem services on which human well-being depends. Incorporation of a broad set of ecosystem services into the design of energy policy will differentiates between energy technology options to identify policy options that reconcile national and international obligations to address climate change and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In this paper we consider our current understanding of the implications of energy systems for ecosystem services and identify key elements of an assessment. Analysis must consider the full life cycle of energy systems, the territorial and international footprint, use a consistent ecosystem service framework that incorporates the value of both market and non-market goods, and consider the spatial and temporal dynamics of both the energy and environmental system. While significant methodological challenges exist, the approach we detail can provide the holistic view of energy and ecosystem services interactions required to inform the future of global energy policy.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 25, 2016
Online Publication Date Mar 23, 2016
Publication Date May 1, 2016
Deposit Date Oct 31, 2019
Publicly Available Date Nov 1, 2019
Journal Energy Policy
Print ISSN 0301-4215
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 92
Pages 181-189
Keywords General Energy; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Public URL
Additional Information This article is maintained by: Elsevier; Article Title: Bridging the gap between energy and the environment; Journal Title: Energy Policy; CrossRef DOI link to publisher maintained version:; Content Type: article; Copyright: Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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