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Delivering a mentorship conference: An evaluation

Hadland, Rachel; Parks, Sarah; Knowles, Rachel


Rachel Hadland
School Director of Practice Learning

Sarah Parks

Rachel Knowles


The challenges of partnership working between higher education institutions and healthcare organisations have been well documented within the literature. Suggestions have been made that competing demands brought about by policy changes in both nurse education and healthcare have resulted in the uncoupling of education and clinical practice. Therefore there is a need for greater strategic and explicit relationships between academic and practice staff in order to provide excellent learning environments and develop competent newly qualified nurses with the right set of professional values. Therefore in order to achieve this there is a need to explore innovative ways to develop, focus on and celebrate mentorship.

The mentorship conference was hosted by the Trust, free to attend and supported by mentors, practice education leads / facilitators and nurse academics in practice. This hosting emphasised the Trusts shared responsibility in relation to nurse education, and the organisational sponsorship of the event highlighted the commitment to this further. The conference provided a rare and important opportunity to celebrate mentorship, sharing experiences of mentoring and facilitating reflective practice. The conference incorporated a range of key note speakers who covered; accountability and the role of the mentor, the introduction of a Trust mapping tool to benchmark assessment in practice. Workshops were run concurrently by mentors, education / nurse leads, and academics exploring; supporting the failing students, the role of unregistered staff in the student experience and developing compassionate practice. The conference was well evaluated by those who attended and touched on areas of mentorship that are outside of the scope of a mentor update. This event was more accessible to a larger audience and bought together the progress and current issues faced by the Trust and the University in relation to nurse education.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name RCN Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition
Start Date Feb 26, 2014
End Date Feb 27, 2014
Publication Date Feb 27, 2014
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords mentorship, nursing
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Partners in Practice