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Modelling category learning using a dual-system approach: A simulation of Shepard, Hovland and Jenkins (1961) by COVIS

Edmunds, C.E.R; Wills, A.J


C.E.R Edmunds

A.J Wills


This paper examines the ability of a dual-system, formal model of categorization COVIS (Ashby, Paul \& Maddox, 2011) to predict the learning performance of participants on the six category structures described in Shepard, Hovland and Jenkin?s (1961) seminal study. COVIS assumes that category learning is mediated by two dissociable neural systems that compete to control responding. The verbal system explicitly tests verbalizable rules, whereas the implicit system gradually associates each stimulus with the appropriate response. Although COVIS is highly influential, there are no published evaluations of the formal model against classic category learning data (COVIS is most typically applied heuristically to the design of new experiments). In the current paper, we begin to address this gap in the literature. Specifically, we demonstrate that COVIS is able to accommodate the ordinal pattern found by Shepard et al., provided that adjustments consistent with the model?s theoretical framework are made.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2025
Journal Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Pages 69-74
Keywords category learning, computational modelling, dual-system, implicit, explicit
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