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Early maladaptive schemas

Dowsett, Sara; Humphreys, Jane; Ward, Tony


Sara Dowsett

Tony Ward
Associate Professor in Counselling & Psychotherapy


In this study the association of early maladaptive schemas with anxiety, depression and academic self efficacy was explored in a large sample of undergraduate psychology students. Significant correlations were observed with anxiety and depression but not academic self efficacy. Factor analysis of the early maladaptive schemas found support for three factors, which were labelled as negative self and world view, approval seeking and finally sense of entitlement. The first of these had a significant negative correlation with academic efficacy and the second a significant positive correlation. Thus the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and academic efficacy depends on the nature of the schemas involved. The implications for practice are discussed.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 7, 2024
Deposit Date Aug 27, 2024
Journal University and College Counselling
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords schemas academic efficacy anxiety depression students
Public URL