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Evaluation of Penny Brohn UK’s national programme of ‘Living Well With and Beyond Cancer’ services

Seers, Helen; Griffiths, Michelle; Churchward, Sarah; Samuel, Rebecca; Naidoo, Marian; French, Helen; Jolliffe, Rachel; Durrant, Jo


Helen Seers

Michelle Griffiths

Sarah Churchward

Rebecca Samuel

Marian Naidoo

Helen French

Rachel Jolliffe

Jo Durrant


Background: Penny Brohn UK (PBUK) is a leading UK charity specialising in helping people live well with the impact of cancer. National Lottery’s Big Lottery funding between 2015-18 has supported PBUK Living Well with and Beyond Cancer (LWWBC) services in five areas of the UK. Services include Living Well courses (LWC), Follow-Up (FU) support.

Method: Pre and 6-weeks post-LWWBC questionnaires used were: Patient Activation Measure (PAM) for health self-management, Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW) for concerns and wellbeing perception, and Patient Reported Experience Measure for personal reflection on support gained.

Results: 145 courses (123 LWC and 22 FU), located in North England (8), South Coast (32), Midlands (29), South East (43) and South West (33) are running over 3 years. 901 people with cancer enrolled in the first 2 years with between 12-23% (111-206) evaluation postal response rate for pre-post paired data. Year 3 is still underway. Years 1 and 2 data as follows: 43% (48/111) had a meaningful improvement in their post Patient Activation Measure scores indicating they were more likely to go on to self-manage their health. 87% (163/188) of people stated they had been better able to self-manage their own health after LWWBC services.70% (144/206) had a clinically significant improvement in their MYCaW main cancer related concerns, and 43% (89/205) had a clinically significant improvement in MYCaW wellbeing.There were reported improvements in: diet (87% 174/199), exercise (74% 143/193) relationship issues (63% 120/189) and use of stress management techniques (90% 179/199). Of the 199 respondents, 65% reported subsequently attending a meditation or group and 60% joined an exercise class after the LWWBC. Patterns of improvement in MYCaW cancer-related concerns and wellbeing were reported across all regions, demonstrating a successful expansion of PBUK support services across England.

Conclusion: PBUK’s LWWBC evaluation responses indicate a positive and potentially beneficial experience.

Disclosure: Funded by Penny Brohn UK

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2018 NCRI Cancer Conference of National Cancer Research Institute
Acceptance Date Nov 8, 2018
Online Publication Date Nov 8, 2018
Publication Date Nov 8, 2018
Deposit Date May 28, 2024
Print ISSN 0007-0920
Electronic ISSN 1532-1827
Publisher Springer Nature [academic journals on]
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 119
Pages 1-49
Series Title Selected Abstracts from the 2018 NCRI Cancer Conference of National Cancer Research Institute
Public URL
Additional Information