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Developing Deaf jurisprudence: The role of interpreters and translators

Wilks, Rob



Christopher Stone

Robert Adam

Ronice Müller de Quadros

Christian Rathmann


The aim of this chapter is to contextualise the role of sign language interpreters and translators within a Deaf jurisprudence framework. Several critical issues and topics are discussed: the disparity between the Deaf identity and the laws that provide deaf people with rights as members of society, referred to as the Deaf Legal Dilemma; the limitations of Deaf-disabled and language minority rights; and the role of interpreters and translators within this rights framework. Whether deaf people have a disability and whether the concept of ‘reasonable accommodations’ is fit for purpose are discussed within this context. Consideration is also given to the debate regarding whether services should be provided directly to deaf people (that is, without sign language interpreter involvement) or should be provided as interpreter-mediated services, and whether interpreters and translators (and their regulators) should be advocates and allies of the Deaf community in enforcing their rights. This chapter expands the parameters of Deaf jurisprudence and establishes the role of interpreters and translators within this framework.

Online Publication Date Jul 18, 2022
Publication Date Jul 18, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 9, 2024
Publisher Routledge
Pages 249-266
Series Title Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Book Title The Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpreting
Chapter Number 15
ISBN 9780367895273
Public URL
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