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Synthesis and gas sensing properties of poly[tetra(pyrrol-1-yl)silane]

Smith, James R.; Campbell, Sheelagh A.; Smith, J.R; Evans, Phillip; Campbell, S.A; Ratcliffe, Norman M.

Synthesis and gas sensing properties of poly[tetra(pyrrol-1-yl)silane] Thumbnail


James R. Smith

Sheelagh A. Campbell

J.R Smith

Phillip Evans

S.A Campbell

Norman Ratcliffe
Professor in Materials & Sensors Science


Conducting polymers such as polypyrrole and polythiophene offer a new approach to the design of modified electrodes and sensors. In the current work, the electrochemical and chemical polymerisation of tetra(pyrrol-1-yl)silane is described. Resultant polymers with different anions have been characterised by electrochemical methods, XPS and microanalysis. Molecular geometry calculations suggest that both inter- and intra-molecular couplings are present in the film. Crosslinking of the polymeric matrix via β-linkages will result in a three-dimensional structure with a concomitant reduction in the degree of conjugation, accounting for the low film conductivity (σ ca. 10-6 S cm-1). Preliminary results show that poly[tetra(pyrrol-1-yl)silane] is a promising material for the fabrication of gas sensors. It is unexpectedly sensitive to ammonia and trimethylamine gas when compared with polypyrrole and poly(N-methylpyrrole) prepared in a similar fashion.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 1996
Deposit Date May 7, 2013
Publicly Available Date Nov 15, 2016
Journal Journal of Materials Chemistry
Print ISSN 0959-9428
Electronic ISSN 1364-5501
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 3
Pages 295-299
Public URL
Contract Date Nov 15, 2016


Synthesis and gas sensing properties of poly[tetra(pyrrol-1-yl)silane].pdf (744 Kb)

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