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Cross-disciplinary collaborations for sustainable futures and a vital and ‎relevant academic community

Pritchard, Diana J.; Connolly, Helen; Egbe, Amanda; Saeudy, Mohamed; Rowinski, Paul; Bishop, James; Ashley, Tamara; Worsfold, Nicholas T.


Diana J. Pritchard

Helen Connolly

Amanda Egbe

Mohamed Saeudy

Paul Rowinski

James Bishop

Tamara Ashley

Nicholas T. Worsfold


Sandra Abegglen

Tom Burns

Sandra Sinfield


The challenges of our rapidly changing climate, environments, cultures, populations and labour markets require HE to ‘recognise, own, and engage with the most difficult and intractable issues of our times’ (Sterling, 2019, 61; Pritchard, forthcoming). This contrasts with prevailing practices that typically perpetuate paradigms of individualism, inequalities and unsustainability and the exploitation of the environment and people (Tilbury, 2011; Wals, 2015).

Online Publication Date May 18, 2023
Publication Date May 18, 2023
Deposit Date Jun 21, 2023
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing
Book Title Collaboration in Higher Education A New Ecology of Practice
ISBN 9781350334052
Keywords Higher education; Academic studies
Public URL
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