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Measuring the meaning of disability in rheumatoid arthritis: The personal impact Health Assessment Questionnaire (PI HAQ)

Hewlett, Sarah; Smith, A. P.; Kirwan, John R.


A. P. Smith

John R. Kirwan


Background: Measurement of disability in rheumatoid arthritis is often used to support treatment decisions and outcome assessments, but is used without reference to the impact of disability on individual patients. Objective: To develop and validate a scale to measure individual values for functions, which is used to weight the level of an individual patient's functional loss and thus calculate the personal impact of disability. Methods: In four linked studies, first the phraseology for values was explored to develop a stem question for the value scale couched in terms patients understand (face validity). Then short and long versions of the value scale were compared (content validity) and tests of internal consistency and short term reliability undertaken (criterion validity). Finally, the value scale was examined for long term reliability and agreement with expected variables (criterion and construct validity), after which personal impact scores were calculated and their construct validity examined. Results: Patients understand the concept of values, and a positively phrased stem question was developed for the value scale, for which a short version was reasonably equivalent to a long version. The value scale was reliable over one week (96% changed by

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2002
Journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Print ISSN 0003-4967
Electronic ISSN 1468-2060
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 61
Issue 11
Pages 986-993
Keywords rheumatoid arthritis, disability
Public URL
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