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Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g under Bursty traffic

Hussain Malik, Mazhar; Raza, Saleem; Ilias Talukder, A B M; Rafi, Muhammad Adnan


Saleem Raza

A B M Ilias Talukder

Muhammad Adnan Rafi


Technology from the end of last millennium, has been shifting with an unprecedented velocity scaling human anxiety down; communication technology, perhaps demonstrated the highest. Within the frontier of such profundities, reclines a key concern; Quality, insisting acute and multidisciplinary contemplation on any techno-upgrade. Quality has been judged and perceived by the values that are being added or promised. However, evaluative sophistication lies on multi-dimensionalities of qualitative parameterisation; seeds in, due to perceptual inequities between designer and user. While designer observe an upgrade to promise higher efficiency in one parameter, other demonstrate sufficient inadequacy trivialising the initiative. Furthermore, while technical parameters are considered as qualitative value in engineering discipline, socioeconomic parameters are perceived as evaluative characteristics of technology. In term of wireless and communication technologies, equilibrium is calibrated based on no less than four criterions; 'nice even data flow in information exchange', 'consistent availability', 'cost effective application' and 'security'. By far, profound level of scientific exhaustion has been laid managing and enhancing service qualities of WLAN and yet even with such suggestive superfluity, many of the proposals are not deployed to support commercial IP backbone due to the nature of fiddly complexities embedded within the proposals. IEEE802.11 committee enhances the standard protocols to support or promise better QoS for wireless communication and so far marketed numbers of standard protocols; yet fails to guarantee every need and wants for every user. To the extent where IEEE802.11 standards are concerned, there has been much disputes which standard protocol is the best to adopt; puzzles the user groups as well as the cognoscenti groups. This research paper is an endeavour to undergo an experimental qualitative analysis between IEEE802.11a and IEEE802.11g, both of which have played enough roles in communication industry by resolving standardization disputes among the inter-continental WLAN setup. In an effort to uplift the quality, IEEE802.11g has been upgraded with CSMA/CA mechanism so to ensure data packets are not collided (thus to promise better quality to services). This initiative, thus, focused on how far the upgrade has enhanced the QoS of WLAN.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Oct 12, 2016
Publication Date Oct 12, 2016
Deposit Date Mar 16, 2023
Journal Communications and Network
Print ISSN 1949-2421
Electronic ISSN 1947-3826
Publisher Scientific Research Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 10
Keywords Medium Access Controller; PCF and DCF; IEEE80211a/g; QoS; Access point
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