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Square peg, round hole?; Can marketing-based concepts have a useful role in the political arena?

Lloyd, Jenny


Jenny Lloyd


W. Wymer

Jennifer Lees-Marshment


Over recent years, whilst there has been increasing acceptance of the existence and role of marketing in the political arena, there has also been much discussion as to the applicability of its concepts and models. This paper focuses upon issues surrounding definition of the 'product' and the 'marketing mix.' It examines the varying definitions of the political 'product' and, from the perspective of elector as 'consumer,' offers its own. In addition it suggests that political marketers should follow the lead of their counterparts in the fields of service and social marketing and modify the marketing mix to suit the political environment in which they function. Finally, based upon existing definitions of the political 'product' and the criticisms of the current marketing mix frameworks, initial suggestions are made for the provision of a new political marketing mix.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2005
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title Current Issues in Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789024381
Keywords political marketing mix, politics, marketing, political marketing
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