Hector Archila Santos Hector.Archila@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Construction Techology and Materials
Hector Archila Santos Hector.Archila@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Construction Techology and Materials
Rebecca Lashley
Jessica Lamond Jessica.Lamond@uwe.ac.uk
College Dean for Research & Enterprise
Ashleigh Msipo
Abhinesh Prabhakaran Abhi.Prabhakaran@uwe.ac.uk
Lecturer in Building Information Modeling
SmartBioC focuses on creating a user-friendly digital tool that allows users to select and specify biobased materials and building components for a modular housing unit based on a set of performance indicators including carbon footprint, thermal performance, cost, social value, health and wellbeing and strength. The ultimate aim of the tool is to speed up the uptake of circular biobased materials to provide zero-carbon, healthy and socially and economically viable solutions for the construction industry. Smart construction, integrating the use of digital technologies and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) has the potential to improve the affordability, efficiency, and sustainability of new and refurbished buildings. Aligned to a circular economic model, opportunities exist to optimise the use, reuse, and disposal of biobased materials within the expanding MMC housing market, thereby improving carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change. Together with industry partners, SmartBioC’s research team is using the Design Council's Double Diamond Framework of discover, define, develop, deliver, to facilitate a collaborative and iterative process where the end-user is at the centre and determines the final outcome. To date SmartBioC has undertaken an exploratory review of the literature, an early concept modelling using Autodesk Revit, and an outline performance specification for the biobased products defined. A BIM Object library of MMC category 2 components with alternative biobased material configurations is under development for exporting to gaming platform Unity. Rapid prototyping and testing in Unity will ensure that a web-based tool (html) is distributed to users for feedback and development purposes. User-friendly digital tools like SmartBioC gives end-users, designers, decision-makers and specifiers, the ability to easily select circular biobased materials whilst visualising their design in 3D, along with information about the environmental, economic and social impacts of their choices. The adoption by the construction industry of zero-carbon, healthy and socially and economically viable biobased building solutions is imperative if the catastrophic impacts of predicted global warming are to be averted.
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (unpublished) |
Conference Name | International SEEDS Conference 2022 |
Start Date | Aug 31, 2022 |
End Date | Sep 2, 2022 |
Deposit Date | Feb 23, 2023 |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/10481277 |
Related Public URLs | https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/events/conferences/seeds-conference-2022/ |
Book Chapter
Elastic response of cross-laminated engineered bamboo panels subjected to in-plane loading
Journal Article
Bamboo hybrids bolster timber
Journal Article
Bamboo: An engineered alternative for buildings in the global South
Book Chapter
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