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Collaboration for innovation in housing: The role of the civic university in delivering new homes in the city

Jones, Matthew; Columbano, Alessandro


Profile image of Matthew Jones

Dr Matthew Jones
Associate Professor & Dean and Head of School, Architecture and Environment

Alessandro Columbano


The Birmingham School of Architecture and Design pioneered ‘live projects’ as a pedagogic model in schools of architecture in the UK and as part of this programme delivered a number of innovative housing projects in collaboration with the public sector. The School continues the tradition of live projects through its more contemporary initiative, The Co\\aborative Lab:oratory (Co.LAB). The module brings together students from across a range of disciplines, academics and external partners to work on inter and trans-disciplinary projects through collaborative working approaches. Working with Cherwell District Council’s Build! Team, Co.LAB has led the development of a low carbon timber frame selfbuild housing system. Continuing the tradition of learning by doing, students tested the system at 1:1 scale. Working with the council, a full prototype is under development for construction.

By comparing historic archival knowledge with our case study, the paper seeks to highlight the challenges and virtues of university-public sector collaboration as a means to deliver innovative outcomes. It makes a case for greater role in collaboration between the university and public sector as a means to develop alternative models of housing in the city.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name AHRA Housing and the City 17th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, 2020
Start Date Nov 19, 2020
End Date Nov 21, 2020
Deposit Date Feb 7, 2023
Keywords housing; live projects; self-build; sustainability; Co.LAB
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