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Availability of reliable cost data for whole life costing in the Tanzania building construction industry

Manege, Sylvester; Kennedy, Craig


Sylvester Manege

Craig Kennedy


Whole life costing plays a major role in ensuring that value for money is attained from the inception of a building to its end of life. Availability of reliable cost data is essential ensuring that whole life costing is undertaken with utmost precision. This study explores the availability of reliable cost data for whole life costing in the Tanzania building construction industry. It aims at realising the key sources of cost data as well as analysing their reliability. It will also suggest ways to improve cost data availability in the industry. The research involved the use of questionnaire survey and structured interviews to collect data from quantity surveyors and other industry professionals respectively in Tanzania. The study revealed that in-house and market survey as the most familiar and most used sources of cost data in the Tanzania building construction industry. It also realised that running cost data, which are crucial for undertaking whole life costing, did not have a source in Tanzania which is contrary to other countries. The study also revealed that despite cost data sources being considered reliable, they still lacked credibility as most respondents still had doubts about them. To improve the availability of reliable cost data for whole life costing, the study suggests that the Tanzania building construction industry should adapt to the online information service which will ensure easy and fast access to reliable cost data. The industry should also engage in the collection and sharing of running cost data which is essential for whole life costing.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 10th World Construction Symposium: WCS - 2022
Start Date Jun 24, 2022
End Date Jun 26, 2022
Acceptance Date Apr 19, 2022
Online Publication Date Jun 24, 2022
Publication Date Jun 24, 2022
Deposit Date Feb 14, 2023
Book Title Proceedings of The 10th World Construction Symposium 2022: Sustainability and Resilience in the Built Environment: Changed Perspectives
Chapter Number 13
Keywords Building Construction Industry; Cost Data; Tanzania; Whole Life Costing
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