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Effect of sea level rise on the overtopping of English coastal defences

Hames, Dominic; Gouldby, Ben

Effect of sea level rise on the overtopping of English coastal defences Thumbnail


Dominic Hames

Ben Gouldby


With a rise in sea levels, there is a consequent increase in the risk to coastal communities of the severity and magnitude of flood events. However these increased risks are not spatially consistent, and the type and nature of a coastal defence may influence the change in the risk at a location, and to what extent levels of mitigation may need to be implemented. This paper therefore investigates the impact of the change in risk of coastal flooding around England as a result of sea level rise. It involves the application of components of an existing risk-based coastal flood risk analysis method for a subset of almost 600 defences to rises in sea levels up to 1m. The resulting analysis shows that overtopping rates increase at a much greater rate for low return period events, which can be in excess of 100 times. The analysis also shows that the change in overtopping rate is a function of the defence type, with the relative changes for sloping defence structures significantly greater than for vertical defence structures

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name FLOODrisk 2020 – 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management
Start Date Jun 22, 2021
End Date Jun 24, 2021
Acceptance Date Jan 1, 2020
Publication Date 2021-06
Deposit Date Jan 11, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 12, 2023
Publisher Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Series Title FLOODrisk2020
Book Title FLOODrisk2020
Keywords Sea level rise; overtopping; coastal defences
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This conference was delayed by one year and then held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Effect of sea level rise on the overtopping of English coastal defences (745 Kb)


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This is the version of record of the article 'Hames, D., & Gouldby, B. (2021). Effect of sea level rise on the overtopping of English coastal defences. .'.

Full or partial reprint or use of the papers is encouraged, subject to due acknowledgement of the authors and its publication in these proceedings. The copyright of the research resides with the authors of the paper, with the FLOODrisk consortium.

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