Dr Charlotte Crofts Charlotte.Crofts@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Film and Journalism
Dr Charlotte Crofts Charlotte.Crofts@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Film and Journalism
Scott Bassett
A feature-length screenplay adapting Angela Carter's short story 'Flesh and the Mirror', and other semi-autobiographical stories from the Fireworks collection, including 'A Souvenir of Japan', 'The Loves of Lady Purple', 'the Smile of Winter', 'Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest', 'Reflections' and 'The Executioner's Beautiful Daughter', as well as her Japanese journalism originally published in The New Statesman and New Society, later collected in Shaking a Leg, including 'Once More into the Mangle' and 'A Fertility Festival'. Using the title story as a portmanteau to interweave the other stories, the screenplay employs Carter's highly metaleptic narratorial strategies to create a heady, erotic drama exploring the breakdown of a young British writer's relationship with her Japanese lover in 1960s Tokyo. Co-authored with award-winning producer Scott Bassett.
Book Type | Monograph |
Deposit Date | Jan 5, 2023 |
Keywords | Angela Carter; Japan; Screenwriting; Adaptation |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/10289927 |
Additional Information | Supported by British Film Institute (BFI) Development Fund |
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