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Whiskerbot: A robotic active touch system modeled on the rat whisker sensory system

Pearson, Martin; Pipe, Anthony G.; Melhuish, Chris; Mitchinson, Ben; Prescott, Tony J.


Chris Melhuish
Professor of Robotics & Autonomous Systems

Ben Mitchinson

Tony J. Prescott


The Whiskerbot project is a collaborative project between robotics engineers, computational neuroscientists and ethologists, aiming to build a biologically inspired robotic implementation of the rodent whisker sensory system. The morphology and mechanics of the large whiskers (macro-vibrissae) have been modeled, as have the neural structures that constitute the rodent central nervous system responsible for macro-vibrissae sensory processing. There are two principal motivations for this project. First, by implementing an artificial whisker sensory system controlled using biologically plausible neural networks we hope to test existing models more thoroughly and develop new hypotheses for vibrissal sensory processing. Second, the sensory mode of tactile whiskers could be useful for general mobile robotic sensory deployment. In this article the robotic platform that has been built is detailed as well as some of the experiments that have been conducted to test the neural control algorithms and architectures inspired from neuroethological observations to mediate adaptive behaviors.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Sep 1, 2007
Publication Date Sep 1, 2007
Journal Adaptive Behavior
Print ISSN 1059-7123
Electronic ISSN 1741-2633
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 3
Pages 223-240
Keywords whiskerbot, vibrissal active touch, computational neuroethology, bio-inspired robotics, field programmable gate array neural processing, sensorimotor control
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Additional Information Additional Information : Adaptive Behavior is the premier international journal for research on adaptive behavior in animals and autonomous artificial systems. This work summarises the whisker based active touch system that was developed as a part of the EPSRC funded 'Whiskerbot' project.