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One-shot domain-adaptive imitation learning via progressive learning applied to robotic pouring

Zhang, Dandan; Fan, Wen; Lloyd, John; Yang, Chenguang; Lepora, Nathan F.

One-shot domain-adaptive imitation learning via progressive learning applied to robotic pouring Thumbnail


Dandan Zhang

Wen Fan

John Lloyd

Nathan F. Lepora


Traditional deep learning-based visual imitation learning techniques require a large amount of demonstration data for model training, and the pre-trained models are difficult to adapt to new scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a unified framework using a novel progressive learning approach comprised of three phases: i) a coarse learning phase for concept representation, ii) a fine learning phase for action generation, and iii) an imaginary learning phase for domain adaptation. Overall, this approach leads to a one-shot domain-adaptive imitation learning framework. We use robotic pouring as an example task to evaluate its effectiveness. Our results show that the method has several advantages over contemporary end-to-end imitation learning approaches, including an improved success rate for task execution and more efficient training for deep imitation learning. In addition, the generalizability to new domains is improved, as demonstrated here with novel backgrounds, target containers, and granule combinations in the experiment. We believe that the proposed method is broadly applicable to various industrial or domestic applications that involve deep imitation learning for robotic manipulation, and where the target scenarios are diverse and human demonstration data is limited. For project video, please check our website:. Note to Practitioners —The motivation of this paper is to develop a progressive learning framework, which can be used for both service and industrial robots to learn from human demonstrations, and then transfer the learned skill to different scenarios with ease. We use the robotic pouring task as an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, since pouring is an essential skill for service robots to assist humans’ daily lives, and can benefit robot automation in wet-lab industries. The aim of this research is to enable robots to obtain visuomotor skills (such as the pouring skill), and accomplish the tasks with a high success rate using our proposed progressive learning method. We conducted experiments to show that the proposed method has good performance, high data efficiency and evident generalizability. This is significant for intelligent robots working in various practical applications.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 20, 2022
Online Publication Date Dec 6, 2022
Publication Date Jan 31, 2024
Deposit Date Dec 7, 2022
Publicly Available Date Dec 7, 2024
Journal IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
Print ISSN 1545-5955
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 1
Pages 541 - 554
Keywords Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Control and Systems Engineering, Efficient robot skill learning, imitation learning, robot and automation, one-shot learning, robotic pouring
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One-shot domain-adaptive imitation learning via progressive learning applied to robotic pouring (2.8 Mb)


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This is the author’s accepted manuscript. The final published version is available here:

DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2022.3220728

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