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The artist’s book market, and the relationship between the artist and purchaser within this field

Bodman, Sarah L.



Sarah Bodman invited speaker for Symposium: Beyond the Book, Friday 18 April 2008, 10.30-17.00, Lecture Theatre, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. A one-day symposium that accompanied the Blood on Paper exhibition. Topics included private presses and their relationships with artists, the development of the genre, formats and production, and artists' books in the digital age. Speakers: Richard Cork (art critic and author), Stephen Bury (British Library), Simon Cutts, Douglas Dodds (V&A), Marcus Campbell (London Artist’s Book Fair), Sarah Bodman (University of the West of England), Susan Johanknecht (Camberwell), Katherine Meynell (artist), Jane Rolo (Book Works), Rowan Watson (V&A) and Zoe Whitely (V&A).
After the symposium, Bodman was invited to present a new paper: The quiet democracy of the contemporary artist’s book (or, why do artists make books?) in relation to the Blood on paper exhibition at the V&A, at the Books That Fly Conference, University of Brighton, Faculty of Arts and Architecture. 5 July 2008,
Abstract; As today’s discussions are related to the concept of the ‘artist’s book’ in the show Blood on Paper - The Art of the Book and Tom Lubbock’s review in The Independent, I would say that those were not examples of artists’ publishing in terms of democratic works. Yes, the books were impressive, large and attention grabbing, and were obviously of their time, but for me, they were not what artists’ books are about. The show comprised mostly of very well known (predominantly male) artists, some of whom had produced only one artist’s book (‘produced’ in the loosest term, as these books were mostly printed and bound by a studio publisher not by the artist), and made for a high-end art market, not for general public consumption. Most had no relation to the books made by artists today – these were made for money, not the message.
Full paper can be downloaded from: Speakers: Peter Seddon (Host) Sarah Bodman Gerald Fleuss Professor George Hardie Mark Pawson Susan Skarsgard Sam Winston

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Beyond the Book Symposium
Start Date Apr 18, 2008
End Date Apr 18, 2008
Publication Date Jan 1, 2008
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords private presses, artists, formats, book production, artists' books, digital age
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Beyond the Book Symposium

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