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Marriage, cohabitation and alcohol consumption in young adults: An international exploration

Plant, Moira; Miller, Patrick; Plant, Martin; Kuntsche, Sandra; Gmel, Gerhard; Ahlstrom, Salme; Allamani, Allaman; Beck, Francois; Bergmark, Karin; Bloomfield, Kim; Csemy, Ladislav; Elekes, Zsuzsanna; Knibbe, Ronald; Kraus, Ludwig; Olafsdottir, Hildugunnar; Rossow, Ingeborg; Vidal, Antonio


Moira Plant

Patrick Miller

Martin Plant

Sandra Kuntsche

Gerhard Gmel

Salme Ahlstrom

Allaman Allamani

Francois Beck

Karin Bergmark

Kim Bloomfield

Ladislav Csemy

Zsuzsanna Elekes

Ronald Knibbe

Ludwig Kraus

Hildugunnar Olafsdottir

Ingeborg Rossow

Antonio Vidal


This paper examines the drinking behaviour of young adults aged 24-32 who were married or were cohabiting. Data on this subject were available from surveys in 10 European countries. These were carried out under the auspices of the major investigation entitled 'Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS)'. In general married people were similar to those cohabiting on annual frequencies of alcohol consumption, but lower on amounts consumed on each occasion and, therefore, on annual volumes. However, the extent of these differences varied in different countries. On the usual consumption per occasion measure, there were larger differences between married and cohabiting in Sweden, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and Norway than in Germany, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Hungary. The differences between married and cohabiting people were, however, not associated with gender or with the presence of children. At the aggregate country level no associations could be shown with women's empowerment, age of first marriage or per capita alcohol consumption.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Apr 1, 2008
Journal Journal of Substance Use
Print ISSN 1465-9891
Electronic ISSN 1475-9942
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 2
Pages 83-98
Keywords alcohol, GENACIS, Europe, marital status, cohabitation, heavy drinking
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