Yaseen Zaidi Yaseen.Zaidi@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Systems Engineering
Framework for developing digital twin prototypes
Zaidi, Yaseen; Portapas, Vilius
Vilius Portapas Vilius.Portapas@uwe.ac.uk
Lecturer in Aerospace Systems
This paper presents an agile co-simulation framework for developing digital twin prototypes of novel flying vehicles. The framework enables rapid assessment of flying vehicles' performance and flying dynamics in the early stages of their design cycle. The framework integrates MATLAB/Simulink environment for flight dynamics modelling with the AGI STK Aviator mission simulator (see the figure below) into a loose computational loop. The combination of two packages enables aircraft assessment not only from the flight dynamics perspective, but also from the overall mission perspective under GPS coverage and radar tracking.
The advantage of such a virtual flight test and evaluation framework is the faster development of new flying vehicles, imposing mission constraints from the early stages of their design cycle. Testing a prototype model in complex mission scenarios in varying conditions allows early identification of design limitations, hence improving the aircraft design process and reducing further design costs.
The paper concludes with an example of a civil eVTOL flight simulation between the two UK cities of Bristol and Cardiff. Modelling of the aerodynamics of eVTOL is based on look-up tables of numerically generated data, while the mission analysis is based on a surveillance capability investigation of flying the route at a low altitude.
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