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Negative capability: A contribution to the understanding of creative leadership

French, Robert; Simpson, Peter; Harvey, Charles

Negative capability: A contribution to the understanding of creative leadership Thumbnail


Robert French

Charles Harvey


B. Sievers

H. Brunning

J. De Gooijer

L. Gould


Our aim in this chapter is to suggest how the idea of ‘negative capability’ may contribute to an understanding of the creative leader. We begin by exploring the origins of the term negative capability and its meaning in the creative arts and in psychoanalysis. We then assess its value as a concept in relation to leadership. Creative leadership is called for at the edge between certainty and uncertainty, both a necessary and a difficult place to work in the current context of organizational life. Whereas, positive capabilities direct leaders and followers toward particular forms of action rooted in knowing, negative capability is the ability to resist dispersing into inappropriate knowing and action. We suggest that appropriate combinations of positive capabilities and negative capability can generate and sustain a ‘working space’ or ‘capacity’ for creative thought at this edge between knowing and not knowing. Creative leaders are characterised by their ability to generate such spaces not merely for themselves but also for others within the organization. Some of the problems for organizational leaders in working with negative capability are raised and explored.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2009
Deposit Date May 13, 2011
Publicly Available Date Feb 16, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations: Contributions from the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations
ISBN 9781855756076
Keywords certainty/uncertainty, creative leadership, negative capability, positive capability
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : This chapter was originally included in Sievers, B. and Brunning, H. and De Gooijer, J. and Gould, L., (eds.) Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations: Contributions from the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations,, published by Karnac Books in 2009, reprinted here with kind permission of Karnac Books.
Contract Date Feb 16, 2016


ISPSO_2008_Neg_Cap_FINAL-080616.DOC (117 Kb)

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