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Ambio fit for the 2020s

Andersson, Erik; Boonstra, Wiebren J.; de la Torre Castro, Maricela; Hughes, Alice C.; Ilstedt, Ulrik; Jernel�v, Arne; Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar; Kalantari, Zahra; Keskitalo, Carina; Kritzberg, Emma; Kätterer, Thomas; McNeely, Jeffrey A.; Mohr, Claudia; Mustonen, Tero; Ostwald, Madelene; Reyes-Garcia, Victoria; Rusch, Graciela M.; Sanderson Bellamy, Angelina; Stage, Jesper; Tedengren, Michael; Thomas, David N.; Wulff, Angela; Söderström, Bo

Ambio fit for the 2020s Thumbnail


Erik Andersson

Wiebren J. Boonstra

Maricela de la Torre Castro

Alice C. Hughes

Ulrik Ilstedt

Arne Jernel�v

Bengt Gunnar Jonsson

Zahra Kalantari

Carina Keskitalo

Emma Kritzberg

Thomas Kätterer

Jeffrey A. McNeely

Claudia Mohr

Tero Mustonen

Madelene Ostwald

Victoria Reyes-Garcia

Graciela M. Rusch

Jesper Stage

Michael Tedengren

David N. Thomas

Angela Wulff

Bo Söderström


Environmental challenges and the way we frame and research them are changing, as are the channels for successful transfer of scientific knowledge into decision-making. In a time when novelty is often the beacon leading funding, research and publication, revisiting the archives and going back to the roots of current discussions offer an opportunity to reflect on what got us to where we are today. Ambio’s 50th anniversary in 2021 gave us a reason to look back at how Ambio’s scope and coverage have changed over time and to start a discussion about how Ambio can remain relevant for science and policy in the future. Ambio is growing steadily, and we see an increasingly broad range of methodological approaches and use of different sources of evidence. This is encouraging; our ambition is to support multi- as well as inter- and transdisciplinary science on the interrelationships between the environment and society. At the same time, the field of sustainability science and applied social-environmental research is growing rapidly and with it comes many potential outlets for publishing work within Ambio’s approximate niche. In this increasingly mixed and busy field, we work constantly to ensure that Ambio remains recognized as a leading forum for high quality science, based on a broad foundation of knowledge and at the interface of society and the environment.

Journal Article Type Editorial
Acceptance Date Feb 18, 2022
Online Publication Date Feb 18, 2022
Publication Date May 1, 2022
Deposit Date Oct 6, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 19, 2023
Journal Ambio
Print ISSN 0044-7447
Electronic ISSN 1654-7209
Publisher Springer (part of Springer Nature)
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 51
Issue 5
Pages 1091-1093
Keywords Ecology; Environmental Chemistry; Geography, Planning and Development; General Medicine
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information First Online: 18 February 2022; Free to read: This content has been made available to all.


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