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Outputs (202)

Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in cardiovascular disease prevalence in the adult population: A cohort-based cross-sectional study in northwest Iran (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: The incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality is increasing in developing countries. This study aimed to decompose the socioeconomic inequality of CVD in Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study was conducted o... Read More about Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in cardiovascular disease prevalence in the adult population: A cohort-based cross-sectional study in northwest Iran.

The infant microbiome (2022)
Journal Article

Kate Nash and Debra Sloam consider preventive and restorative strategies required to support the infant microbiome, and the midwife's role in relation to this

Developing a typology of models of palliative care delivery in prisons in high-income countries: Protocol for a scoping review with narrative synthesis (2022)
Journal Article

Introduction A combination of punitive sentencing practices within ageing populations, compounded by the health challenges faced by people in prison, means that dedicated palliative care provision within prisons is a pressing requirement. However, ev... Read More about Developing a typology of models of palliative care delivery in prisons in high-income countries: Protocol for a scoping review with narrative synthesis.

Systematic review of the health and equity impacts of remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites (2022)
Journal Article

(1) Background: Globally there is a vast legacy of contaminated sites from past industrial, commercial and military activity, waste disposal, and mineral extraction. This review examined the extent to which the remediation of contaminated sites reduc... Read More about Systematic review of the health and equity impacts of remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness (2022)
Journal Article

Autoimmune rheumatic conditions are multisystem chronic disorders associated with increased psychological distress. Consequences include poor medication adherence and high levels of disease activity. Psychological interventions may r... Read More about P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness.

Allied healthcare professionals interventions for complex regional pain syndrome - which work? A systematic review of the literature (2022)
Journal Article

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a severe chronic pain condition which usually occurs following limb trauma. Also associated with a range of signs and symptoms, including limb oedema, sensitivity to touch, skin colour and tem... Read More about Allied healthcare professionals interventions for complex regional pain syndrome - which work? A systematic review of the literature.