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Outputs (4)

Measures of greenspace exposure and their association to health-related outcomes for the periods before and during 2020’s Lockdown: A cross-sectional study in the West of England (2023)
Journal Article

Greenspaces are argued to be one of the important features in the urban environment that impact the health of the population. Previous research suggested either positive, negative or no associations between greenspaces and health-related outcomes. Th... Read More about Measures of greenspace exposure and their association to health-related outcomes for the periods before and during 2020’s Lockdown: A cross-sectional study in the West of England.

Exposure to green and historic urban environments and mental well-being: Results from EEG and psychometric outcome measures (2022)
Journal Article

Previous studies have identified the benefits of exposure to green or historic environments using qualitative methods and psychometric measures, but studies using a combination of measures are lacking. This study builds on current literature by focus... Read More about Exposure to green and historic urban environments and mental well-being: Results from EEG and psychometric outcome measures.

Exploring the role of exposure to green and blue spaces in preventing anxiety and depression among young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings: A systematic review and conceptual framework (2022)
Journal Article

Despite the growing problem of anxiety and depression amongst young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings, reviews about the role of exposure to green and blue spaces or nature in preventing anxiety and depression tend to focus on children... Read More about Exploring the role of exposure to green and blue spaces in preventing anxiety and depression among young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings: A systematic review and conceptual framework.

Exposure to green, blue and historic environments and mental well-being: A comparison between virtual reality head-mounted display and flat screen exposure (2022)
Journal Article

Improving the mental health of urban residents is a global public health priority. This study builds on existing work that demonstrates the ability of virtual exposure to restorative environments to improve population mental health. It compares the r... Read More about Exposure to green, blue and historic environments and mental well-being: A comparison between virtual reality head-mounted display and flat screen exposure.