Change at a hospice: Realist social theory applied
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (128)
Antipsychotic long-acting injections in clinical practice: Medication management and patient choice (2009)
Journal Article
Background: A patient-centred approach to care, focusing on recovery, demands a reconsideration of how choices are made about treatment, how this affects medication adherence, and the role of long-acting antipsychotics (LAIs) in this process. Aims: T... Read More about Antipsychotic long-acting injections in clinical practice: Medication management and patient choice.
Pre-hospital resuscitation using the iGEL (2009)
Journal Article
We report our findings on the use of the iGEL (Intersurgical: Wokingham, UK) as an airway device during pre-hospital resuscitation.
Inside information: researching long-term breastfeeding (2009)
Journal Article
Learning to work together: Health and social care students' learning from interprofessional modules (2009)
Journal Article
This paper reports on a study of student learning about collaboration and discusses the effectiveness of different forms of assessment in facilitating learning. The study was conducted in a large health and social care faculty in which all students o... Read More about Learning to work together: Health and social care students' learning from interprofessional modules.
Beyond the call of duty (2009)
Journal Article
Prevention of unintentional injuries in children (2009)
Journal Article
Unintentional injury is a major cause of death in children throughout the world and is responsible for considerable morbidity. All children are vulnerable to injury because their physical, psychological and behavioural characteristics place them at r... Read More about Prevention of unintentional injuries in children.
Why do We put cervical collars on conscious Trauma patients? (2009)
Journal Article
In this commentary we argue that fully alert, stable and co-operative trauma patients do not require the application of a semi-rigid cervical collar, even if they are suspected of underlying cervical spine fracture, unless their conscious level deter... Read More about Why do We put cervical collars on conscious Trauma patients?.
Exploring the factors contributing to drug errors and how to improve knowledge (2009)
Journal Article
Medicines administration is one of the high risk areas for nursing practice and a matter of considerable concern for practitioners, policymakers and the public. Drug errors can lead to devastating consequences for patients and for nurses' careers. It... Read More about Exploring the factors contributing to drug errors and how to improve knowledge.