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Outputs (42)

Depression, anxiety, and loneliness among adolescents and young adults with IBD in the UK: The role of disease severity, age of onset, and embarrassment of the condition (2020)
Journal Article

Purpose: Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) report higher depressive symptoms and anxiety compared to healthy controls, with disease severity and abdominal pain being important factors. In the current study, buil... Read More about Depression, anxiety, and loneliness among adolescents and young adults with IBD in the UK: The role of disease severity, age of onset, and embarrassment of the condition.

The acceptability and impact of the Xploro digital therapeutic platform to inform and prepare children for planned procedures in a hospital: Before and after evaluation study (2020)
Journal Article

Background: There is increasing interest in finding novel approaches to improve the preparation of children for hospital procedures such as surgery, X-rays, and blood tests. Well-prepared and informed children have better outcomes (less procedural an... Read More about The acceptability and impact of the Xploro digital therapeutic platform to inform and prepare children for planned procedures in a hospital: Before and after evaluation study.

Leveraging implementation science to reduce inequities in children’s mental health care: Highlights from a multidisciplinary international colloquium (2020)
Journal Article

Background and purpose
Access to evidence-based mental health care for children is an international priority. However, there are significant challenges to advancing this public health priority in an efficient and equitable manner. The purpose of thi... Read More about Leveraging implementation science to reduce inequities in children’s mental health care: Highlights from a multidisciplinary international colloquium.

“It’s a lifeline”: Generating a sense of social connectedness through befriending parents of disabled children or children with additional need (2019)
Journal Article

This study explored the influence of a parent-to-parent peer support scheme on the wellbeing of parents of disabled children or children with additional need who joined a befriending scheme.

A longitudinal concurrent mixed met... Read More about “It’s a lifeline”: Generating a sense of social connectedness through befriending parents of disabled children or children with additional need.