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Outputs (39)

Decolonisation pedagogy as method (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Decolonisation pedagogy can serve as a method to address the legacy of colonialism in Africa in an organic way. This is also the case for interrogating the methods, content and approaches in international criminal law as a discipline.

Understanding the link between contested territories, war crimes and economic crimes - prosecution and prevention (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

After presenting the concept of war crimes, this presentation explores whether economic crimes (in a wide understanding of the concept) committed in the occupied territories of Ukraine can be prosecuted as war crimes. The second part of the presentat... Read More about Understanding the link between contested territories, war crimes and economic crimes - prosecution and prevention.

South Africa (2023)
Book Chapter

Potential criminal liability of senior government officials for responses (or lack thereof) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Structure of South African criminal law; general principles and sentencing.