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Outputs (67)

The “near miss” of Liam Allan: Critical problems in police disclosure, investigation culture, and the resourcing of criminal justice (2018)
Journal Article

Miscarriages of justice have historically acted as catalysts for reform. It seems we only learn to fix the most serious problems — often obvious to those at the coal-face of practice — once the damage is done. Such miscarriages have largely resulted... Read More about The “near miss” of Liam Allan: Critical problems in police disclosure, investigation culture, and the resourcing of criminal justice.

Evaluation of the Intervention Initiative: A bystander intervention program to prevent violence against women in universities (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 Springer Publishing Company. Violence against women students is increasingly recognized as a significant public health and human rights issue. The Intervention Initiative is a facilitated bystander intervention educational program commissioned... Read More about Evaluation of the Intervention Initiative: A bystander intervention program to prevent violence against women in universities.

Pre-proceedings and capacity: the impact of professional language and other barriers on parents with learning disabilities. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In England and Wales, the issue of delay in public law children cases has been a concern for two decades. Delay can lead to an increased burden on the public purse and greater uncertainty for children and families. Numerous procedural measures have... Read More about Pre-proceedings and capacity: the impact of professional language and other barriers on parents with learning disabilities..